Search results for "Dermatology"

Results 41 - 50 of about 95 for "Dermatology".
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Studies assess responses, reactions to vaccines; long-term effects of COVID-19 infection

Recent COVID-19 vaccine studies showed good response in pregnant women, as well as possible localized rashes from the Moderna vaccine. Analyses of ICU patients and those treated at a post-COVID-19 clinic highlighted the long-term effects of the virus, and a study found that dialysis patients maintained antibodies six months after COVID-19 infection.
18 May 2021

MKSAP Quiz: intensely pruritic rash on eyelids

A 27-year-old woman is evaluated for a 1-week history of an intensely pruritic rash on her eyelids. She applied a new brand of eye makeup just prior to the onset of the rash. She immediately discontinued its use and has been applying a moisturizing lotion to both eyelids since then without improvement in her symptoms. Following a physical exam, what 2-week course of medicine is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
11 Aug 2015

MKSAP Quiz: 2-week history of a rash on face and midchest

A 32-year-old man is evaluated for a 2-week history of a rash on his face and midchest. He describes the rash as consisting of small, reddish “lumps” that are intensely itchy; they develop and begin to resolve with development of new lesions. He otherwise feels well. Medical history is significant for a recent diagnosis of HIV infection. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most likely diagnosis?
12 Apr 2016

An eye for art among medical students

A medical resident drew upon her artistic background to help create a course to improve observational skills of first-year medical students by having them systematically observe works of art.
1 Nov 2018

MKSAP Quiz: Decreased exercise tolerance

A 62-year-old woman is evaluated for a 4-month history of decreased exercise tolerance, joint stiffness, mild weakness, and a rash on her hands. She has noted increasing difficulty carrying heavy objects and feels exhausted after climbing stairs. Although her joints are stiff, she has not had any joint swelling. Her rash developed around the time of her other symptoms and has not responded to over-the-counter topical agents. She has no other symptoms, including cough or dyspnea. Medical history is unremarkable, and she takes no medications. Follow a physical exam, cardiopulmonary exam, and lab studies, which of the following pulmonary conditions is associated with this patient's clinical presentation?.
1 May 2016

MKSAP Quiz: examining a laceration on a finger

This week's quiz asks readers to determine the most likely diagnosis for a 72-year-old man who develops itching and redness 2 days after cutting his finger.
17 Nov 2015

MKSAP Quiz: slowly enlarging 1-cm plaque

A 53-year-old woman is evaluated for a slowly enlarging, telangiectatic, pearly, ulcerated 1-cm plaque on the left temple. It bleeds periodically when traumatized. Medical history is significant for atrial fibrillation. She takes warfarin daily. She is otherwise in good health. Following a physical exam, cardiac exam, and biopsy of the lesion, what is the most appropriate treatment for this lesion?
26 Jan 2016

MKSAP Quiz: 4-week history of wheals and burning sensation without pruritus

A 27-year-old woman is evaluated for a 4-week history of wheals, characterized by a burning sensation without pruritus. Each individual lesion persists for 48 hours and slowly resolves, leaving a bruise. Current medications are diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, cetirizine and oral contraceptives. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate management?
16 Jul 2013

MKSAP Quiz: 3- to 4-month history of diffuse, intractable itching

A 72-year-old man is evaluated for a 3- to 4-month history of diffuse, intractable itching involving most of the body. He uses emollients regularly. He cannot identify any precipitating causes. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
14 Jan 2014

Telemedicine connects remote areas with care

Modern medicine is dramatically cutting the distance that patients must travel, even for severe injuries. Consulting by telemedicine reduces delays, improves patient outcomes and brings health care to areas that otherwise wouldn't have it.
1 Apr 2008

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